There are multiple ways of exploring islam, whether reading online or buying books
to read at home. Here are some links and books that might be helpful for those trying
to grow their knowledge of the deen.
quran.com is a good place to read along and learn quran
- It provides word-for-word translations
- recitations by multiple different recitors
- loop and speed controls
- has a full collection of hadiths
- also has hisn al-muslim (fortress of the muslim)
which is a very popular books
Islamestic has many different contents,
- Guides on how to pray
- the 99 names of Allah SWT
- Quran and Hadith
- Stories of prophets mentioned in the Quran
- Dua based on how you feel
The Sealed Nectar
A complete authoritative book on the life of Prophet Muhammad SAW
Stories of the prophets
Stories of the prohets mentioned in the Quran
- Contains sources for all quotes, whether to Quran or Hadith